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a collection of creations - 2024

a collection of creations - 2024

James Van der Walt
by everythingcraftsa on 10 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

heya! my name is james van der walt, i am currently enrolled in the academy of digital arts in cape town, south africa. i am very excited to enter this contest and see everyone else's entries!

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venus flytrap sprite - character page spread

this venus flytrap character sheet was inspired by the sprite creatures that are in the spiderwick chronicles series. i loved designing this character, especially with her leg proportions and angular features. 

initially i was going to have her hair be little venus flytraps but ultimately decided against it and opted for her hair to resemble a crown, showing her royalty. 

i went for the middle colour choice as it showed the red nicely with the green. from the arrow you can see i changed my mind in regards to her cape and leg shape to be more exaggerated. 

getting closer to the final design with some character exploration sketches to feel out her personality a bit more.

here i was trying to figure out what kind of page spread i wanted for this flytrap. with some feedback from friends as to what reads the best, i settled on the below (with a few tweaks towards the end).

i was also figuring out on this page what kind of facial expressions and poses i wanted to involve. in the end i discarded a few poses to replace it with text explaining her character and some design choices. 

in this page i am already starting to render my character, as well as some rough colouring and shading on the poses and expressions. originally i was going to have a back view of the flytrap, but decided to put a call out of her head, showing off her fleshy crown. 

in the end i dulled down the colours a lot and gave it a more smooth type of render due to the fact that i wanted it to appear that this page was found in a very old book; i wanted it to appear that a traveler found this creature and sketched out diagrams of it in his book.

the timber guard - creature page spread

this walking tree is an original character heavily inspired by the concepts found in studio ghibli's 'princess mononoke'. this big passive guy is kind to all forest creatures and it sworn to protect them. i loved designing this tree man but the wood rendering did get to my head a little bit in the end.  

i had a very specific design in my head that i was having trouble conveying onto paper. he needed to appear creepy and menacing but have loving intentions. for the faces on the right, i went with the top one because it was the most tree-like from the rest (and the others were TOO creepy).

i ended up narrowing it down to three designs to choose from, which was the last one (without the water hands), essentially taking the design aspects i enjoyed the most from the previous page and combining them into one design. the other two designs were not comprised in a way that i was enjoying too much.

this is my first sketch of the final design, along with some colouring.

compiling and trying to find a page spread that worked for me and the creature. here is where i figured that this tree guy would change bark and leaves according to the season and region he travelled into. 

rendering phases of the main pose; including lineart and flat colours, photo bashing and texturing, matching of background colour and smoothening out of photo bashing, shading and lighting, and final rendering, rim lighting and details. 

in the end we have the timber guard with a main pose, side view, exploration pose and call outs. this was definitely a challenge for me and my endurance, but it was most welcomed and i certainly love the result. 

the keeper of crystals - personal project 

originally this project was going to be a collection of assets based off of a previous one i had done for a college project, but it slowly evolved into this; a dragon who is cursed to protect a witch's crystal collection after trying to steal it himself... now he is held accountable for keeping the crystals. 

it started as asset designs with themes of twisted wood and purple/pink crystals. only problem i found with designing them is that they didn't seem to belong to anyone. 

in comes a dragon, notorious for stealing shiny things. i mainly drew inspiration from weird dinosaurs and hundreds of interesting dragon designs on pinterest.  my core thought for this creature would be that he is hunched over and has aspects of crystals on his body, showing his curse. 

this exploration is me trying to figure out which aspects i want for this dragon to be feather or crystal - the red is feather and the blue is crystal. i ended up combining the first and second ones as they spoke to me the most. 

from the first couple of designs came the beginning of the final design. i wasn't happy with the first design being almost too soft looking, and the jewelry seemed out of place. i changed essentially the whole design as well as the colours and was much happier with it. 

when i semi settled on a design for the dragon (which later changed, as seen below) i added the assets next to it. 

this is the final design for the dragon the i settled on, and quickly moved onto flat colours, photo bashing and texturing. most textures i found online and fiddled with the colour balance and opacity until i could work over it.  

and then we have the final, fully rendered with shading, lighting and details. this personal project was very interesting to do since i had no deadline, and showed me which ways i prefer rendering (which are messy ones).

the circus act - campaign design 

this was my campaign design at the end of in my second year in college, of which i will just be showing the characters i did. 

this is the circus crew, consisting of the sunset twins, royal rina, benson saxe, xyrie kenneth and cecil mercia. the character sheets for each design was done in a way that i wanted it to appear as if the characters were making it themselves, showing forth their personality. 

the twins were the most fun to design by far, with lots of random clothing choices and interesting shapes. 

benson saxe, the animal lover with a scarred heart. he gave me some trouble with figuring out his personailty and trying to convey that through his design.

royal rina gave me hassle in which i didn't know what clothes i wanted her to wear for the longest time, but eventually got to where i wanted her. 

i wanted xyrie to be different, in a gothic, almost edgy way (but with the sweetest voice). covered from head to toe in tattoos, she's not conventionally attractive but there is something about her that draws you to her...

cecil went through the most drastic of changes to his design but i am very happy where he ended up. 

additional characters, the future detective and the cult leader with his son.

and lastly, just an overview of my entire campaign. this contains all the characters in their respective heights, creatures, assets and environments. 

the collector - character sheet 

this character was based in the video game series 'little nightmares'. he is a collector of trinkets and little children that mess with him. 

these sketches are explorations into the personality of the collector; he is supposed to be extremely creepy and unsettling in his smile and wacky eyes. 

he uses this spring loaded hands for grabbing and taking what he wants. he loves things that look expensive and dainty, as it reminds him of his deceased wife. 

how to train your dragon - illustration 

this is the final piece of a long process of figuring out what i wanted to do. i went through many iterations of different covers, illustrations and posters. in the end i did what i would have the most fun with, not what was the best visually.

i went through many iterations in the beginning due to me not knowing what exactly i wanted. i ended up with three to choose from, and scrapped the middle. 

to help me decide on which one i wanted to illustrate, i did a value black and white value test to see how it looks, and ended up choosing the right one. 

from this stage i worked on choosing colour variations and the beginning of flat colours and lineart.

next was rendering; and i did a lot of it. i changed the wing multiple times throughout the rendering process because i didn't like how it was awkwardly sitting in the first couple of render stages. after changing it i felt much better to finalize the render and call it a day. 

the dark crystal - asset design

this collection of assets and structures were for the movie 'the dark crystal', specifically for the skeksi's. 

these assets are among some of my favorites as i have a deep love for the dark crystal franchise and i am very happy with the results. 

how to train your dragon - blood bottle asset

this asset was a lot of fun to design, and i loved the whole process of designing a functional asset. 

sketches of the layout and rendering phases for the bottle. 

little nightmares - cutaway environment 

this environment was first sketched out to establish design, and then done in 3D via blender to get proportions correct. 

the last guardian - environment 

this was another project that was first sketched out and then carried through to blender. 

first sketched plans evolving into the final composition of the environment. i went through many structural ideas in the beginning, and eventually landed on the guardian, trico, looking down on the boy, surrounded by glass stained eyes. 

the blender part of this project was hard as at the time i wasn't familiar with it, but i think i did well on the rendering aspect (i also had fun doing this). 

sally face - isometric interior

this was a project i was super happy to do as i love the video game 'sally face'. this is the future bedroom of sal fisher, the main character. 

this is the salvaged rendering process i have for the bedroom. 

this was an alterative perspective view of the bedroom 

that is the end...

thank you all so much for reading and looking at my stuff until the very end!! i appreciate it sooo much :) !1!! 

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