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2024 Color & Image Finishing Tools

2024 Color & Image Finishing Tools

Conlen Breheny
by conlen on 25 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A collection of free tools that I built in my second year in the 4-year Bachelor's program at Gnomon School of Visual Effects to give us the ability to push our digital images to the next level.

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Substance Painter & Designer Color Correction Filter

Frustrated with the lack of control that existing color correction tools in Substance Painter and Designer provide?

Familiar with switching between Photoshop and Painter and back and back again to get your desired look?

Say goodbye to a lack of control and poor color science, and say hello to a superior color correction solution in Adobe Substance Painter and Designer!

Offering color correction control built on superior color science, including:

-Saturation control built on a Spherical Opponent Space color model for a superior perceptual result, with separate Gain and Gamma control (Saturation Gain mostly affects the entire image but primarily the most saturated areas, Saturation Gamma affects primarily the "medium" saturated areas)

-Lift, Gamma, Gain, & Offset (Shadow, Midtones, Highlights, Exposure) color wheels based on tools in DaVinci Resolve

-Tetrahedral Colorshift: Modify, correct, & improve the hue, saturation, brightness, color temperature, and tint of specific targeted hues without the need for masking!

Nuke Lens Sharpness/Softness Sculpting Tool

Cinematographers obsess over the softness and sharpness of their images, deliberating over lens choice and shooting settings to dial in the textural look that suits their creative vision.

As CG artists, we too often ship our renders out of the box, perhaps with just a small amateurish blur to "fix" CG's unnatural sharpness.

With this Nuke Gizmo, unlock tools used by Cinematographers and Colorists in professional Finishing software such as FilmLight's Baselight and DaVinci Resolve! Sculpt the softness and sharpness of your image across different sizes of detail to achieve a more photographic and cinematic result, all in the pursuit of your creative and narrative intent.

This Nuke Tool-

-Provides softening and sharpening control across 6 different pre-defined detail/frequency sizes/bands, from Fine to Coarse

-Allows softening and sharpening of custom user-defined detail/frequency sizes/bands

-Is built after the Texture Equalizer tool found in FilmLight's Baselight and the Texture Pop tool found in DaVinci Resolve

Developed by Conlen Breheny and Gabriel Martinez.

Thank you for taking the time to look through my second Rookies submission! I ended up leaning more technical and workflow oriented this year, diving deep into digital imaging and color science. However, I'm excited for my next two years with the Rookies to develop some visuals that I'm proud of! Stay tuned!

Reach out!

Artstation: @conlen

LinkedIn: @conlen

Instagram: @conlen.vfx

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