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Concept Art Porfolio

Concept Art Porfolio

M. Omar Siddiqui
by Omarsiddiqui28 on 24 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Sharing a series of portfolio pieces that I worked on last year and this year consisting of class projects and personal projects.

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Project Chlorosia

A team of scientists conducted a groundbreaking experiment on a rare plant species known as “Chlorosia”. The aim was to enhance its growth rate and develop a potent source of renewable energy. As the experiment progressed, the modified plant began to mutate rapidly, absorbing energy from its surroundings at an alarming rate. The scientists' desperate attempts to control the plant failed, and it soon outgrew the confines of the laboratory, forming into a volacanic structure and excuding poisonous gas which will kill instantly if inhaled. Our hero has successfuly created an antidote that must be injected into the core of the this monster like plant before it’s too late.

Goal - Come up with 3 locations. A beginning, middle and end.

Location 1 - Cabin | In this first location I wanted to show the beginning journey of our hero starting from him waking up and then grabbing his gun and leaving the cabin. Showcasing the big gnarly tree roots and trunk that has taken over most of the space. 

Location 2 - Abandoned building |  In this second location  I wanted to show an abandoned corporate building where an obstacle course and a mini boss battle takes place. 

Location 3 - Chlorosia | The final location from this project where our hero goes in to destroy the core of the volcano Chlorosia 

Mountain Melody 

I wanted to create an environment design piece in a desert setting with dynamic rock formations. This project was initially just a kitbashing project but ended up being much more bigger than that.

Bakery Project

This is an extension of the mountain project.  I really liked the idea of  some sort of a building inside a rock. The kind of building though I had no idea, so me and a mentor of mine at that time Kenny Vo suggested I make a bakery. Growing up in the middle east I was always surrounded by a lot of bakeries and gave me an opportunity to re-live my childhood a bit and create something that I've been familiar with.

Halloween Project

I worked on this piece during Halloween season and wanted to make something spooky and also explore storytelling keyframes a little bit. The creature design was fun to work on and I defintely will do more horror pieces. 

SciFi Security Checkpoint

In 2022 my sister got married and I was flying a lot beuase of that all over USA to attend all sorts of festivities. Flying a lot meant going through tons of TSA Checkpoints. The checkpints itself looked pretty cool and inspired me to make a security checkpoint. With this project I wanted to capture the busyness of an airport. This piece was done as a final project for my class at Brainstorm with Kevin Jick.

Memory Cleanser

The narrative for this project was inspired by Med beds from the movie Elysium. Instead of creating something to heal people I made something  used for brainwashing people. Fun project to work on. Some of the challenges I faced when working on this was regulating the detailing of the environment. Making sure there are areas of rest wherever there is detail. 

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