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A Year and Seven Stories

A Year and Seven Stories

by TAtheSecondDesigns on 28 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

I have always seen Architecture has an art form. And visualization in architecture to me is the form of telling the story of a space and place while effectively communicating across to the audience the thoughts, feelings and atmosphere of the designers and the users. So as a storyteller, I have some stories to tell

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A Little background info

I discovered Rookies early last year while doing my masters along side my internship. Upon seeing the level of works done on this platform, I knew that to participate I had to learn more. So I got to learning (self taught). Well fast forward a year later and these are the works (created in the past six months) I feel resonate strongly with the stories I want to tell. The world of visualization is broad and there is still more for me to learn. But for now, please enjoy.

Rookies Coffee Shop

I see The Rookies to be like a guild. And guilds from time immemorial, have a common meeting spot. The Rookies already have discord for their online spot, but what of a physical location. What would that look and feel like? So taking inspiration from various tarvan designs and with a blend of modern cafe designs, The Rookies cafe was born. 

Echoes of Light

Inspired by "Shadow In Motion" by NOIZ Architects on Youtube. I enjoyed the way they captured the movement of light and shadow, all centered on one of the most mundane (design-wise) piece of stairs.  So intruiged, I went on to create my own piece of mundane stairs, and then elevated it with my own play on light and its echoes.

Kismet's Pavilion

How would you design a picnic outdoor place that  encompasses the feeling of freedom, peace and serenity. A place where destiny calls. This is my vision for that.

Noir's Requiem

An ode to classical and neo-classical architecture

Closing Time

A mimicry of a fragment of an immortal moment at occurs dusk during the closing hour, where for a brief moment, we can see the last echoes of the working man. Often the remaining motion in the bubble of silence. The last embers still aglow before the last of the world goes to rest. All a part of the cycle.

Rosalia's Dawn

Inspired by the atmosphere of early mornings I wondered, what would a space designed for a dawn individual be like.  Thus a slice of Rosalia's life was born. And we take a look into what her typical early morning is like whilst using the space. From meditation to breakfast to reading all done in a lounge.

Note: Rosalia is a fictional character created for this project 

A Mediterranean Afternoon

Inspired by an artwork by CodyGindy that depicted a rustic feel of the older Mediterranean. This prompted the creation of this project through my lenses and what it would look like in reality. This is my second attempt to capture and recreate realistically the mood and feelings of an afternoon in the Mediterranean. I had originally tried making this back in mid-2023, and while I did have an okay result it just was not quite complete. I picked it back up in February 2024 to see what I could do and voila!

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